Herb of The Week

Herb of The Week

The use of licorice root goes back thousands of years, with the first recorded uses by the Kemetic ancestors for use as a flavoring agent and offerings. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, licorice was used as remedy for strength and long life. Today it is still found in most Chinese formulas, in large part because it is seen as the ‘ambassador’, the herb that helps the other herbs to harmonise with each other and within the body. Historically, licorice root was prescribed for stomach and heart problems and it was frequently mentioned in German and Italian herbals from the 14th and 15th century as a cough and respiratory remedy.

🗝 As a practical magical tool practitioners utilize licorice in love/lust drawing, commanding, mind-altering, and control work.

🗝 Drinking a tea of licorice root to empower convincing proficiencies

🗝 It can be added to love sachets or chewed for sexual potency

🗝 Carry a cross made of licorice root tied with red or black string for protection against accidents and the evil eye
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