Herb of The Week | Gymnema Sylvestre

Herb of The Week | Gymnema Sylvestre

Gymnema is a woodsy shrub native to Mauritania and Nigeria and widely distributed throughout tropical and southern Africa and across Asia. The leaves are used soup by the Igbo of Nigeria.

Gymnema is historically used to suppress the sensation of sweetness on the taste buds. The leaves, when chewed, have the capacity of destroying for a few hours taste for sweetness and bitterness. Anthraquinone derivatives in the leaves make them diuretic and laxative. In the northeastern part of Nigeria and India, diabetic patients chew them to reduce glycosuria. The Sukuma people pound gymnema leaves, and the pulp is then applied topically to heal wounds and cuts. In Sudan, the root is applied topically and taken internally for snake-bite.

🗝 Gymnema leaf-powder is a stimulant of the heart and circulating system and activates the uterus.

🗝 As a practical magical tool, Gymnema can be added to spiritual healing baths, release worry, and insecurity.

🗝 Add to a sachet or talisman and carry it with you to instill courage and promote success in your endeavors.

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