This gentle herb has been used extensively in European and North American folk medicine for thousands of years. Historically used to treat a wide range of respiratory and upper airway ailments in both humans and livestock. These include coughs, sore throat, emphysema, bronchitis, COPD and asthma. Dioscorides, a Greek physician pharmacologist and botanist, practicing in the 1st century in Rome, authored the herbal De Materia Medica, wrote about mulleins use in lung conditions around 2,000 years ago. Navajos would smoke the the roots or dried leaves to treat asthma. The root was made into a necklace for teething infants by the Abnaki tribe. Ancient cultures around the world considered Mullein a magical protector against witchcraft and evil spirits. It is also thought to instill courage and health, provide protection, and to attract love. It is believed that wearing mullein would ensure fertility and also keep potentially dangerous wild animals at bay while trekking along in the wilderness.
As a practical magical tool, mullein can be used as a substitute for graveyard dirt.
Add mullein to your gris gris bags or amulets to ward off evil spirits. Fill a pouch with mullein, tie the pouch around your waist with red & black string while hiking or trekking along the wilderness for protection against wild animals.
Sprinkle mullein around the four corners of your home for protection against unwanted energies.