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Nine Keys Botanica

Organic Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf

Organic Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf

Regular price $5.00 USD
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Botanical Name: Gymnema sylvestre

Common Names:  Meshasringi, Rams Horn, Gurmarboot, Gymnema

Folk Name:  Rams Horn 

G. sylvestre is known as "periploca of the woods" in English and meshasringi (meaning "ram's horn") in Sanskrit. The leaves, when chewed, interfere with the ability to taste sweetness, which explains the Hindi name gurmar—"destroyer of sugar."

Magical Folk Uses:  Releases worrying and insecurity; courage; healing 

Medicinal Folk Uses:  Traditionally used to treat diabetes and obesity, and is thought to have the ability to regulate blood sugar levels, suppress the appetite, reduce cravings for sweet foods, and improve the ability to absorb nutrients from food. It is also used to alleviate digestive disorders and is a natural detoxifying agent and immunity booster.

The leaves are diuretic and laxative due to the presence of anthraquinone derivatives. In North-Eastern part of Nigeria  and India, diabetic patients chew them to reduce glycosuria (presence of reducing sugars in the urine).  The Sukuma people pound gymnema leaves, the pulp is then applied topically to heal wounds and cuts.  In Sudan the root is applied topically and taken internally for snake-bite. In Botswana, gymnema  is made into an ointment for boils.  Gymnema leaf-powder is a stimulant of the heart and circulating system, and activates the uterus. The leaves are widely used to soothe an upset stomach, for constipation and liver disease.

Tea is made by steeping 2–3 teaspoons (10–15 grams) in 1 cup (250 ml) of hot water for ten to fifteen minutes. 

Ingredients: Organic Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. No known precautions. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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My order arived quickly, and in beautiful packaging. The product smells fresh and has a nice color. I would order from Nice Keys Botanica again.

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