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Nine Keys Botanica

Sarsaparilla Root (Mexican) Wildcrafted

Sarsaparilla Root (Mexican) Wildcrafted

Regular price $2.75 USD
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Botanical Name:  Smilax medica

Common NamesVera cruz sarsaparilla, Zarzaparrilla, Jupicanga, Saparna, Ba qia

Magical Folk Uses:  Healing; money drawing; business; love drawing and lust; health.

Medicinal Folk Uses:  Sarsaparilla has been most consistently recommended for addressing rheumatism and psoriasis. The native cultures of the Americas and Caribbean traditionally harnessed the purifying properties of sarsaparilla to address a range of health issues, including blood purification, gonorrhea, fevers, and digestive disorders. It has been recognized for its potential in treating conditions like arthritis, psoriasis, inflammatory disorders, and autoimmune issues such as rheumatoid arthritis. Additionally, sarsaparilla is known for its role in boosting testosterone levels and alleviating fluid retention. When incorporated into herbal blends, sarsaparilla is believed to act as a "synergist," enhancing the bioavailability and absorption of other herbs, largely attributed to the presence of saponins in sarsaparilla.

Indigenous people of the Amazon region traditionally employed Sarsaparilla to restore virility in men and alleviate menopausal symptoms in women. These applications are attributed to the plant's abundant steroidal saponins, which are believed to exert some influence on human hormones.

Native Americans utilized Sarsaparilla to address various health issues, including skin problems and urinary complaints, considering it a tonic. The Penobscot, Ojibwas, and Kwakiutl tribes in North America utilized Sarsaparilla as a remedy for coughs, and asthmatic patients would inhale the smoke of Sarsaparilla for relief.

Key Benefits: 

  • Antifungal Properties [R]
  • Protects the skin [R]
  • Treats psoriasis [R]
  • Anti-inflammatory [R

Add 30g to a half gallon of boiling water. Turn heat on low and let simmer for one 30 min to 1 hour. The longer the better. Strain and enjoy! Store the rest in the refrigerator   

Ingredients: Sarsaparilla Root

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. No known precautions. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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