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Nine Keys Botanica

Organic Angelica Root

Organic Angelica Root

Regular price $7.00 USD
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Botanical Name: Angelica archangelica

Common Names: Wild Celery, Garden Angelica, Masterwort, Ground Ash, Archangel

Folk Names: Masterwort, The Root of the Holy Ghost'

Magical Folk Uses: Feminine power,  protective herb and is used for exorcism, protection against evil spirits, purifies the home, controls partner.  It has also been used in workings to protect infants and to bring peace and faithfulness to a marriage. Smoking the leaves is said to increase clairvoyance and encourage visions.

Medicinal Folk Uses:  Traditionally used to improve circulation to the extremities, lungs, and uterus.  Angelica has also been used to bring on sluggish menses; it relieves menstrual cramps by warming, relaxing, decongesting, and stimulating blood flow to the uterus. Said to ease flatulence, indigestion, and other digestive disorders. Angelica has an expectorant effect on the lungs and can help soothe and heal asthma, cough, bronchitis, and cold or flu symptoms. Historically, it’s also used to treat bladder infections and rheumatic conditions.

Modern clinical studies have shown that Angelica possesses constituents with antimicrobial and antiseptic properties.

Add 30g to a half gallon of boiling water. Turn heat on low and let simmer for one 1-2 hours. The longer the better. Strain and enjoy! Store the rest in the refrigerator   

Ingredients: Organic Angelica Root

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. No known precautions. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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