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Nine Keys Botanica

Organic Chaste Tree Berries Powder

Organic Chaste Tree Berries Powder

Regular price $4.00 USD
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Botanical Name: Vitex agnus castus

Common Names: Chaste Tree Fruit, Monk's Pepper, Agnolyt, Gattilier, Abraham’s Balm, Vitex Berry

Folk Name: ''Chasteberry''

Magical Folk Uses:  Fertility magick, brings balance to ones sexual energies; stops unwanted advances from the opposite sex.

The names Monk's Pepper and Chaste Tree Berry give us an idea of how this plant was thought to function. During the Middle Ages, monks would sprinkle ground Chaste Tree Berries, which has a slightly peppery taste, on their food. They did this not only for the flavor but also because they believed it could help reduce their sexual desires.

Medicinal Folk Uses:  In ancient medicine,  Chaste Tree Berries are used to treat a range of conditions such as premenstrual discomfort, menstrual irregularities, and to support women's reproductive health. It was also believed to have a role in promoting fertility, reducing the risk of miscarriage, and aiding lactation. Additionally,  Chaste Tree Berries  was used to manage symptoms related to menopause and to address skin issues like acne. Its historical uses were primarily centered around women's health and hormonal balance.

 Chaste Tree Berries can be seen as an amphoteric remedy, causing seemingly opposite effects that actually help restore balance. For example, it's known to act as both an aphrodisiac and an anaphrodisiac!

For women aiming to conceive,  Chaste Tree Berries  can help regulate the ovulatory cycle. Studies suggest that it might begin balancing things within 10 days, but for the best results, it's recommended to take it for three cycles or more.

Today, Vitex is mostly used by women, but it can also be useful for men dealing with cystic acne or severe insomnia.

Can be brewed as an herbal tea, tinctured, or cracked and sprinkled over food for a peppery spice.

Mixing Suggestions:  Mix 1 Tsp with your favorite juice, add to your favorite smoothie. It can prepared as an herbal shot. To prepare as an herbal shot, add 1 teaspoons of our Organic Chaste Tree Berries Powder to 4oz of boiling water. Mix well. Cover and steep for 3-5 minutes.

Ingredients: 100% Organic Chaste Tree Berries Powder

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. No known precautions. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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