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Nine Keys Botanica

Organic Goldenseal Leaf

Organic Goldenseal Leaf

Regular price $10.80 USD
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Botanical Name: Hydrastis canadensis

Common Names: Indian plant, Yellow Paint Root, Jaundice Root, Goldenroot, Yellow Eye, Wild Curcuma, Ground Raspberry, Yellow Puccoon , Yellow Root, Orange Root

Folk Name:  ''Golden Root'' ''Yellow Root''

Magical Folk Uses:  Healing rituals, money spells, success. Beneficial in business dealings and matters of finance.  Known to draw in love, prosperity and good luck. Goldenseal can be added to any ritual to increase it's power. Ruled by the Sun, the root has the influence of Saturn

Medicinal Folk Uses:  Traditionally used to treat broad spectrum of infections, debility, dyspepsia (indigestion), whooping cough and diarrheas, liver trouble, fever, digestive issues, flatulence and as an emetic for biliousness.  Indigenous Native Americans also used it as treatment for skin ailments and eye ointment.   In modern herbalism goldenseal is used to treat respiratory tract infections, fevers, allergic rhinitis, ulcers & constipation. 

Golden Seal is a rich source of the alkaloid berberine which has been the subject of some compelling clinical trials with people.  Berberine properties make it useful in the treatment of the following:

Blood Sugar Support: Berberine, studied for managing blood sugar, may improve insulin sensitivity, reduce resistance, and enhance glucose metabolism. It holds potential benefits for diabetes and those seeking to regulate blood sugar levels.

Heart HealthBerberine can help to regulate heart rhythm and provide relief from arrhythmias and heart palpitations.

Digestive Health: Promotes ''good bacteria''  in the stomach. The beneficial bacteria play an important part in the digestive process by breaking down food into usable energy

Skin Health:  Combats skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema, athlete's foot, acne and ringworm. It may even help eliminate dandruff.

Tea is made by steeping 2–3 teaspoons (10–15 grams) of the herb in 1 cup (250 ml) of hot water for ten to fifteen minutes.

Ingredients: Organic Goldenseal Leaf

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. No known precautions. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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